The Blog: T&C CALLED

Published on 12 December 2022 at 08:09

What is it to be "Called?"  

When this question is answered, answers to other questions must come into alinement with it. Here are some other ways of stating it is, "why do you do what you do?" Why are you a pastor? Why are you pastoring the church that you are the pastor of? The answers must be so connected that they are conjoined. If you can state your calling, you have a foundation for your serving. Who or what called you? It is God who calls. Being a pastor is a divine situation. It is a status, but not one of this world. Being called of God is the invitation of God to take care of you and your life. It is an arrangement of reliance. Some compare it to being like the tribe of Levi. As the priests of God's people, they had no ownership of property. They had responsibilities and duties. They received provision from temple as stated by God. in overly simplified words, they had no earthy cares. They had one focus. Theirs was not a calling, it was pure election by birth.

To be called to ministry today is an acceptance of God's care. "Mere infatuation with the possibility of public ministry will fade. A true call to full-time ministry will persist after attempts to fulfill other careers have failed. And a true call will be a bulwark for survival when the going gets tough."1 I appreciate the author's declaration on the power of the calling. "Paul says that Christ extended to him the call into ministry (1 Tim. 1:12–15). He was sure of his call and could not help but respond (Gal. 1:15–17). Isaiah said, “Woe is me! For I am undone; because I am a man of unclean lips.” He then heard the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?” Strengthened by the thought of a divine touch, Isaiah responded, “Here am I, send me.” (Isa. 6:5–8, KJV). When the Lord calls, you will know no rest until you respond."2 It is that response that is our anchor. The call was real back then, it is real today. 

As a coach and investigator of the church, especially the rural church, the struggles are real. Your call is more real. The struggles are the storms that the anchor of calling keep us steadfast. Struggles become emotional battles of the mind and heart. The struggles become personal--so is your calling. God invited you! God did this knowing full well all of the struggles, hurts and frustrations you would face. Pastor, reflect on your calling. Write out your story. Tell your story to another. Were others around you when you received your call? Contact them, relive and reflect on that day, that divine moment. If it is possible, go to that location. That place is your Bethel! 

I would enjoy hearing the story of your call. Complete the form and share your story. We can all share the war stories, the horror stories, the abuse stories etc. After almost 40 years of living the call, I know the life is real and can be real hard. But the call is real, and is a real honor. Two of my children are now in full-time Christian ministry. Each received their call in different ways. Each has been hurt, and abused in some form by a church. Each is living the call and finding God's faithfulness in their lives. One of these is my daughter. Last month she was ordained. Her calling became very real and very affirmed. As she prepared for that day and ceremony, I advised her: "do not minimize the day. Celebrate the day. Soak in all that is presented. That day will be your anchor point when times are difficult and your heart is challenged." Keep in mind and heart the words of Paul. Romans 11, 28As regards the gospel, they are enemies for your sake. But as regards election, they are beloved for the sake of their forefathers. 29For the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable.

You are not alone...reach out to another. We are in this together. 



2 Ibid.

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Stay Safe,
