"Can anything good come from Nazareth?" John 1:46
Being pastors of churches in such places as Nazareth, we too may ask such a question. Nazareth, a small, seemingly insignificant village in a nowhere land. Its significance is found not in its resources of oil or minierials. It is not a location of resorts or leisure. It is a working class village. Henry Gariepy says, "Nazareth was just a hamlet, obscure and insignificant until Jesus came and made his home there. His presence has a transforming influence on all that comes in close contact with him." (Where Jesus Walked, Experience the Presence of God. Ken Duncan. Thomas Nelson Pub. Pg. 21)
Attitude is a is a fickel thing. One moment we feel great, secure, confident and content with our station in a town or rural setting. We embrace its charms and connectedness. The next moment, seemingly as out of nowher, we feel isolated, insignificant and small. We feel lost in the world that somewhere is zooming past us. I want to encourage you my friend, you are not alone in this struggle. Sometimes attitude is the choosing to live an attitude. What do I mean? There will be days when we must choose our attitude. We make a consious choice to declare this place is a good place. These people are real people. I was at the Rural Home Ministry Association conference last week. One of the sayings is "There is no place as nowhere, every place is someplace, because there are people there. People whom Jesus died to save." Determine your place is a someplace!
After choosing your attitude, choose your action. Love on someone in that place. Neil Wilson, in Duncan's same work, says "Have you ever envied people whom God has apparently singled out for special blessing? A cure for jealousy is to rejice with them, realizing that God uses his people in ways best suited to his purpose. The next time you fel a twinge of envy toward womeone, remember how Elizabeth rejoiced. Make it your aim to enjoy that person's blessing." (Pg.5) Conquer the attitude struggle with more than pondering, stewing or brooding. Conquer it in a God-glorifying expression of rejoicing with another person. Remember, God has us suited for the places we are located. Recall the blessings & joy of you being the one singled out, of all of God's servants, God selected you for your special assignment.
Jesus was not the only one who came out of Nazareth. An entire family of Jesus followers came from there. The brother of Jesus, James, was martyered for his following Jesus. We know that other family members were at the cross. After the ascension Mary and her sons were with the disciples in Jerusalem as they waited for the promised coming of the Holy Spirit (Acts 1:14). Can anything good come out of Nazareth, yes! Can anything good come out of your station? Yes! You, pastor, are planting the good seed, and it will produce its good harvest/fruit in its season. What we are called, even challenged to do, is do good with it. Your place is people. People who need a shepherd. Permit the Good Shepherd to live and love through you. Wherever Jesus was, he was there-fully present. So you can be, with Him.

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