"It is obvious that you are well-equipped to work in the area of church revitalization." Dr. Gregory Faulls, Senior Pastor of Bellevue Baptist Church, Owensboro, Kentucky.

Re-Vitalization begins with the revitalizing the pastor.
Re-vital is to make vital for purpose and strength. This means in the pastor; his health, marriage, personal identity. RE-vitalization is not a program. It is a spiritual work of God. It is not revival, as revival focuses on the present. REvitalization has a purposeful connection to the future. RE-vitalization is not "turn-a-round" concepts, although there is a turning, that is founded upon repentance and grace. RE-vitalizatioin is not "working harder." RE-vitalization is resting, serving, and living in the path of grace that God has for you his pastor and leaders. The main method and other methods....
Main method is Coaching the pastor and leaders
Other methods include evaluations, case study insights, theological evaluation, developing a disciple making process that is personal to your church.